Benefits Of A FOB

An equestrian key fob is a tool that is especially designed for the rider. It is a simple device that comes with an LED light and a push button. The rider can program the device to turn on when a horse enters its path, turn off automatically when the horse departs, and to turn on when the rider approaches a point marked out on the map. Since these devices are used mostly with horses, they come in many colors and with numerous numbers to set alarms off. They can be mounted on either the handlebars or on the saddle itself.

equestrian key fob

The purpose of an equestrian key fob is not to replace a riding helmet. The signals provided by a helmet are very loud and can easily be mistaken by other animals for a distress signal. What an equestrian key fob does is provide you with silent and signals your equine friend that you are nearby. This is particularly important if you are out on a ride and your animal starts to become agitated or pulls back. By turning on its LED signal, it lets your horse know that you are near.

A fob is a great investment for any equestrian equipment dealer or owner. They are a must-have for both riders and horse owners. Equestrians need to have their own fobs for safety reasons and as a way to keep their horses safe in case of any problem. Horse owners who have equestrian equipment such as tack, saddles, helmets and other equestrian equipment also need to keep an eye on their horses and be able to quickly call out in case of an issue or problem.

There are many advantages to having an equestrian fob. For example, you will not have to waste time searching for the fob while your horse is wandering around loose because the fob will be able to locate it for you. Also, if you happen to be out on a ride and realize that your horse is not cooperating, you can easily get your horse to calm down by giving them the command to calm down using the fob. Your equine friend will then begin to calm down and follow you, making it easier for you to take the reins and lead your horse back to the right direction. The fob is also useful when you are traveling on rougher terrain or loose surfaces. It is compact and easy to carry making it a perfect addition to your travel gear.

When you have an equestrian fob, you will also benefit from the added security it offers. If ever you have an unfortunate incident where you are unable to find your equine friend, it will give you peace of mind knowing they have a safe place to go instead of being scattered around. You can also keep an eye on your horse when you are riding him or her by attaching the fob to your horse’s collar. This will help you locate them in case there is an emergency.

equestrian fobs are not as expensive as you may think. One can purchase one for around $40 dollars, though you need to make sure that the fob is heavy duty and can withstand the weight of a rider. Also, when purchasing the fob make sure that it comes with a two year warranty. Buying an equestrian fob is definitely worth the investment and once you use one for a few years you will definitely come to appreciate its importance. Equine friends and family will certainly appreciate having a way to easily find you in case they do not know where you are.